
My Healing Journey

Hi, I’m Kim and I am grateful you’ve decided to share this journey with me.

Let’s jump right in.

This was me, in November, 2010 on my 40th birthday, right before I began my healing journey.

Me at 40 111610

This is me today.

Kimberly O'Keefe Transformational Life Coach Successful Business Consultant Yoga Teacher Healer Reiki Master Confidence

In the past, I would never have shown anyone the picture of me from 2010 because I was embarrassed by my weight and how I looked. However, today, I want only to give that person a BIG HUG. You’ll notice her smile doesn’t reach her eyes and her inner light seems so diminished.

It may be weird that I’m referring to myself in the third person… “Jimmy is pretty sweet on you.” ~ Seinfeld anyone?? But I digress.. I refer to myself that way because today, I AM a completely different person from who I was then, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, and SPIRITUALLY.

In August of 2011, I made the decision to walk away from what most would consider a very successful, stable, and financially rewarding position in Human Resources. I did so at a time when the economy was still recovering from the 2008 Financial Crisis.  A crisis that some would call a recession worse than the Great Depression. For years, I had been saying, “I could just quit! I don’t have kids. I don’t have debt. I’ve made good money.” Yet, fear kept me frozen. I mean, who walks away from a perfectly good, six-figure job during one of the worst recessions in history? I do.

At the time, I thought I was only “taking a break” from my career. I told myself, “I’m just taking two months off to rest and re-balance and then I’m back in.” What I didn’t realize was how sick, tired, out-of-balance, and unhappy I was. I also didn’t realize the universe had different plans for me. It was time for me to step off of the gerbil wheel, to reconnect with my source, my inner light and to fulfill my Divine Life Purpose.


What I learned:

I learned I had to be kind to myself. I had to allow myself to heal physically and mentally. I had to let go of judgments and anger I was holding onto from the past. I had to forgive others and myself. I had to learn to love myself again. Really love myself, no matter what my weight was, no matter what I looked like, no matter what I was or wasn’t doing, know I was perfect, just the way I am. I learned to reconnect to source, God, a higher power, something bigger than myself.

It wasn’t until I let go, surrendered, and allowed myself to receive that the weight started to come off, true light and laughter returned to my world, and the path began to unfold before me.


My Healing Journey consisted of:

Sleep – rest, naps and more sleep..
Play – I had forgotten how to play and be silly
Laughter – life really is supposed to be fun
Self Love – really learning what this meant on a spiritual level
Severing Ties – stripping away all that no longer served me and lowered my energy
Building New Relationships – with myself and with others
Mindset Shift – changing my perspective, using affirmations, reprograming my inner dialogue, tapping into my soul’s truth
Nutrition – detoxing from chemicals, eating whole foods, and treating my digestion system like the amazing engine it is
Body Movement – yoga, running, exercise, playing
Love – exploring love relationships, discovering unhealthy patterns, and learning to use my voice
Nature – connecting with nature, tapping into nature’s bountiful power and essence
Breath – I discovered I wasn’t really breathing to my body’s full capacity.
Meditation – creating space, going within, finding the silence to receive guidance
Letting Go – learning to be a conscious observer of my life
Forgiveness – “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~ Buddha
Kindness – being kind to myself and to others. Doing random acts of kindness. As Ellen Degeneres says in this video, “Be Kind to One Another.”
Reiki and Healing Energy – becoming a Reiki Master and tapping into the vast energy source that is available to all of us.


Here’s what I DON’T HAVE to share with you:

» A “quick fix” program to transform your life
» A checklist to complete and then you are “done”
» All of the answers


Here’s what I DO HAVE to share with you:

» Lessons and steps from my own personal, transformational, healing journey that worked for me and I believe can be healing universally for others
» An intuitive ability to guide others towards their own awakening
» An ability to use my laser-focused insight to help others identify blocks and barriers to growth


I was not always conscious of the journey I was undertaking.

Journey cropped I had to strip away many paradigms and belief systems that were no longer serving me. I had to step into the fear, with the faith there was light on the other side.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of “Eat, Pray, Love”, shared with Oprah when someone is “going to answer the call, and you’re going to transform and to change” she said, “Expect to be challenged.. Expect to be double guessing yourself at every turn.”

People often ask me how I did it. How did I leave my job, find inner peace, and transform my life. My answer to them isn’t necessarily what they want to hear. The reality, as Elizabeth Gilbert shares, is it was hard, “expect to be challenged.” Yet, if you are tired of living an unfulfilled life, following other people’s rules, and not allowing your own inner light to shine then I invite you to step into the fear and ignite your own healing journey.


I invite you to “RECLAIM YOUR POWER.”