
Transformational Coach

“Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.” — Newsweek


When to use a coach?

A coach can be thought of as a life specialist, an expert on helping you develop all areas of your business and personal life. Unlike many consultants who propose a solution and leave you to implement it, the transformational coach stays with you to help you integrate the changes, new skills, and goals to make sure they really happen. This is one reason why coaching is so effective–it is one thing to have the information and quite another to actually make the change!


Who works with a coach?

Anyone and everyone can! From home-makers to entrepreneurs, all may reach their goals with the help of a coach. If there is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, there is room for working with a transformational coaching. Not only will your coach help you close the gap, your coach will help you break through your limited beliefs and challenge you to think bigger and brighter!


What would you work on with a life coach?

• Setting and achieving goals and objectives
• Planning — business, career and life
• Releasing blocks and fears
• Clearing clutter
• Balancing business and personal life
• Making key decisions and designing strategies for success
• Communicating powerfully and succinctly
• Building healthy relationships
• Finding the ideal career/work or business
• Finding the ideal partner/love/relationship
• Getting out of a rut
• Making an important life transition
• Identifying core values and passions
• Fulfilling personal and emotional needs
• Getting organized
• Having more time to enjoy life
• Playing, having adventures, and a lot more fun!
• And much, much more…

My basic philosophy of transformational coaching:

If there is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, then there is room for coaching. Why struggle on your own when you can get what you want out of life in possibly a fraction of the time with the structure, support, and tools of a skilled transformational coach?

I know firsthand the power of a coach, both from being a coach to others for over twenty years and through working with my own personal coach.  Yes, even coaches work with coaches.


How I work with clients:

Kimberly O'Keefe Transformational Life Coach Business Consultant Yoga Teacher Healer Reiki Master Happiness Light

Sessions are conducted via phone, allowing for ease of scheduling.  This also helps to create a sacred space for exploration and dialogue.

After a client contacts me, I send each potential client a “Client Intake Questionnaire.” I use the questionnaire to guide the process with a new coaching client. Once completed and emailed back to me, a Free, 20-30 minute, Consultation Call is set up. During the call, we talk about how the client and I might work together. In addition, the client may receive one or two free nuggets of actionable advice. If we agree that what I can offer will be of use, we then set up a regular, weekly one-hour call – over the course of four weeks – to start.

Work with Kimberly

Choose THRIVING over just surviving!